Structure of Commercial Indian Truck Bodies
Road freight is carried to destinations via trailers, trucks for days covering northern and southern parts of the country and picking up load from various consignors.In the transport industry, we often carry out Research & Development into the operations that minimizes the lead time, warehouse operations and their optimizations. No information about the types of the trucks is known to most of us. The crude language and terms used by the transporters and the truck drivers like 1.'Hauda' meaning the base from which the height of the truck is measured,
2."Bhatta" which is the daily variable expense of the driver
3."Tapaal" which is a term for Manifest
4."Baitha maal", "Fugaar maal" which could be called as weighty goods and volumetric goods are a part of logistics and transportation sector but fail to understand the meaning.
Most of us do not know the important asset that carries the goods and commodities from the consignors to deliver it miles away to the consignees. It is an attempt to throw some light and enlighten people about trucks and their types, what are the different elements that makes them different from other regional trucks.The trucks travelling inter state are different from each other based on the body, dimensions and their capacity to carry load.
Punjab body truck
It is 8 ft wide, 8-9 ft height and 18-20 ft long with a high deck and full cover in the height. The truck is known for its decorative interior and picturesque paintings outside and inside the cabin. The cabin is bigger in size and has room to store the driver’s belongings as these trucks travel across the country towards the south with minimal halts or stoppage. Unfortunately, the type is reducing and is not seen on highways any more.
Indore body truck
It is slightly different than the Punjab body.
The body is made out of wood or MS and comparatively a smaller size. The height measured from both sides from this truck is 10-12 ft
Half body/Belgaum truck
It has a wooden body with the height of 3.5 feet while the Namakkal truck has a high deck body, more than 4 feet. The cabin and the body of a Namakkal truck are made out of MS.
Pack Body or Container Body
It is packed from all the four sides with a height of 12 feet, 7.5 feet wide and made out if Aluminum or MS.
Extra Wide Vehicles
It is 8 feet, 3 inches wide and about 9.5 feet height until the top of the body. The permissible expansion for the body of the is 1 feet.
The container of the truck also known as Pack body/ Van body has a few set of features like
1. A lock for the security of the goods.
2. Insulation material made out of Aluminum or MS, puff insulated Van body with temperature units to maintain the properties of the goods transported.
The body of the truck mentioned above would be of more than one length or tonnage capacity
An 8 tonne truck would be 19 feet, 18 ft or 21 feet truck would accommodate 16 tonne load, a 15 and 21 tonne capacity truck is approximately 24 ft or 32 ft long.
We will be glad to hear other observations and dimensions of an Indian trucks from you. Lets enlighten people the transportation jargons!
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