Prasad Deshpande, on making life a well-scripted program!

                       One of the peculiar and the most prominent feature about Ghatge Patil Transports is that it has a special connect with it's employees. The founder Mr. Vasantrao Ghatge was known to be a people's person. To him, the employees were his own children and he received abundant gratitude from his people. Years after the demise of Vasantrao, the same culture and love was passed on to the next generation and the family of Ghatge Patil now stands at a number of 3000 members.
       One such person who speaks highly of the care and love given to him is Mr. Prasad Deshpande.
Prasad is the IT head, someone who built an ERP for the organization and killed the hours of endless manual work. He has a role to play in each department each day and of-course it goes without saying that he is THE busiest man in Ghatge Patil Transports. It was near impossible to find a window and interview him in his daily schedule.
A next-door computer geek, Kolhapuri at heart and a shy 30 something Prasad Deshpande opens up with, 'There has never been a day that was boring at Ghatge Patil Transports...
        With his majors in electronics followed by computer application and a diploma in Hardware, he started his journey in 2007 as a Database Administrator.

What is the joining story of the busiest man at GPT?
I remember  I had no letter or offer, I had simply barged in the Kolhapur Head Office along with my resume. A clerk said there is no such vacancy and when I was on my way out, a friend who was working there caught a glimpse of me and sent my papers to Mr. Satish Ghatge, the youngest son of Mr. Vasantrao. After 2 hours of interview, I was offered the position. I had almost turned away from the premises which is now a home to me. I learnt that the most important incidents in our lives happen by chance when we are about to turn away.

How crucial has been GPT's role in your developments?
     I owe a lot to the people here. I had unreserved support and guidance from each staff since the day I joined. The organization is traditional and people-oriented to it's core. In the industry, it is important that people accept you and the simple tactic is to hear our what the person has to say. If we strike that kind of rapport without judging the designation or stature treating every person equal, it's a win-win situation! I learned this from Satish sir. He has a macro perspective in handling things and is ready to give you the liberty to go solo; which is why he has played an instrumental role in developing me. On the contrary, Tushar sir, the MD of GPT is futuristic in his approach. If he decides to focus on a vision, he does not let any hurdle in. He believes in moving ahead with the target set like the horse that can only look forward.

“There is no greater thing you can do with your life and your work than follow your passions – in a way that serves the world and you.” – Richard Branson

There has been this latest fad where nobody wants to follow a routine, people want to be their boss and  make it big in this industry. Are you bored with your professional career? Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?
        We all have ambitions and I have plenty. I have an opinion that when we love something we never get bored. Fortunately at Ghatge Patil Transports, I have always been given the authority so that I can flex my skills the way I want to. I have been given the creative power to write codes, run tests and in return I have honored this freedom by making the system as reliable as possible for the employees. I never got bored because each day I review the demands of the users from their perspective and make it as user-friendly for them as possible. I take each day as a bug to fix!
I am fortunately surrounded by the work that I like and few years down the line I wish to come across new challenges.
People say that today IT is  boring, same language, same queries and they defame the industry. I say, why not take each day as a bug to fix and make life a best programmed script!

Ghatge Patil Transports along with our IT head Prasad Deshpande wish you a fabulously programmed New Year!

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